Streaming The Magic

Chapek Chief of Staff and Speechwriter is Out of The Walt Disney Company

Since we shared that Chapek is out as CEO of The Walt Disney Company and Iger is back, there has been so much to discuss about the future of Disney.  What changes would Iger make?  What policies would we see reversed? Most importantly, what loyalists to Chapek would be following him out the door?

Iger made it clear on day 1 of his return to CEO that things were about to be shaken up when he let go Kareem Daniel.  Now, we are learning someone else is also done at Disney.

According to ‘Variety’, the next person to exit is Arthur Bochner, Chapek’s former Chief of Staff and Speechwriter.

Earlier this year, Chapek was the source of controversy in regards to how he handled the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill.  Now we are learning, Bochner may have been behind it.  Many expressed concerns with Chapek’s lack of a firm stance against the bill, and for not supporting those in the LGBTQ+ community.  Only after the criticism poured in, and walkouts by Employees threatened, did Chapek come around and release an apology statement:  “Thank you to all who have reached out to me sharing your pain, frustration and sadness over the company’s response to the Florida ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. Speaking to you, reading your messages, and meeting with you have helped me better understand how painful our silence was. It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights. You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.” (CNBC). This was perceived by many to be too little, too late.

With several missteps over the course of his time as CEO, it’s hard to tell where to put the blame for much of it.  Was Bochner behind the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill stance?  Was he the cause of the public messaging that went wrong? Or instead, were these ideas Chapek’s all along?  All we know is, another domino has fallen.  Who will be out next?

Stay tuned to Streaming the Magic for the latest.

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